December 11 There was a musky smell that was lingering in the air. Dark mahogany wood surrounded you as you entered the late 1800’s bar. Huge mirrors on the bar back with bottles of liquor lining the shelves.
The perfect setting for an antique car club awards banquet. The setting made you think you had stepped back in time. A bit of nostalgia was in the air.
Paul and I greeted members at the door and took your money and handed you a ticket for your meal. A pig, a shrimp or a cow would alert the servers to your meal.
Drinks were served as members arrived. Hugs and laughter were plenty because many of us had not seen each other in a while.
After plenty of time to mingle, the Awards Ceremony started. President Zeno Chaudron opened with a welcome to all.
Our club gives out two main awards each year, a Restoration Award and a Service Award. This year we also gave out Thank You plaques to board members leaving the board.
The Ray Harper Restoration Award is presented each year to the person(s) that have accomplished the most restoration during the current year. Zeno first called Tracy Metclaf up and presented the award for the 1964 Mercury Comet that is getting a face lift with body work and new paint. Then Zeno called Paul Dagenais up for the same car because they are joint owners in the car.
The Henderson Family Service Award is present each year to the person(s) who give selflessly to the club. This year, I got to present this award to a special person that never calls attention to herself but is always there doing what needs to be done. Because she was taking care of her father-in law Rheba Chaudron’s husband Zeno accepted the award for her.
Soon the food arrived and we all enjoyed a good meal and continued conversation. The skimp po’boys were loaded with shrimp and the beef po’boys were over the top. I enjoyed the chicken and it was tasty. This years awards banquet was held on December 11 at T.P. Crockmiers.
December 5 The Southwest Chamber of Commerce sponsored the Tillman’s Corner Christmas Parade. The parade started at 10am and many cars from the Henderson Collection participated along with several other DSR members cars. It was a beautiful day and the weather was perfect!
November 18 We held a Thanksgiving Dinner at the clubhouse. Many members brought their best side dishes or desserts and we all enjoyed some delicious food! There is nothing like having dinner with friends! Of course, by the end of the evening, we were absolutely “Stuffed.”
After the dinner we held our elections of the 2022 officers. The meeting was short and sweet. Congratulations to all the new officers – Charlotte
November 11 The Veterans Day Parade made its come back from taking a year off for the Pandemic. The Deep South Region of AACA got to show off some vehicles from two of the finest collections around. Charlie Wychoff had many of his police car collection in the parade. Jim Henderson had several of the Henderson Collection vehicles in the parade as well.
The parade was bigger and better than it has ever been. Line up time started early at 8:30 am. The Parade rolled at 10 am sharp. All had a good time!
October 25 Four antique cars arrived at Saint Pius in celebration of the 50th day of school. On display was a 1950 Ford Crestliner, 1957 Chevy Bel Air, 1966 Valiant Station Wagon and 64 Ford Galaxie 500. Parents cruised through to see the students and the students got to see the cars up close. – David Ladnier
October 23 Dauphin Way Baptist Church sponsored it’s 12th Annual Shirley Looney Memorial Car Show on October 23, 2021. Fortunately the weather cooperated and it was a beautiful day. There were 220 entries and the show was well attended by the public. This was the first car show in which I had an opportunity to enter my 1934 Packard and I spent the entire day answering questions and talking with so many people. I never expected that much interest in my car or to win one of the Top 30 Awards. The Dauphin Way Baptist staff and volunteers did an outstanding job and should consider the show a big success.
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October 4-10 Well, we attended the cruise in past years, but this was the first time we participated with the Deep South Regional AACA club as volunteers, helping with the logistics of receiving registered cars and participants.
Debbie and Craig have attended numerous car shows over the past 2 years but we must say this year’s 2021 Cruisin’ the Coast was super impressive and a lot of fun. By now many members in our DSR club know that the 2021 Cruisin’ the Coast resulted in nearly 10,000 registered cars!!!!
That makes 2021 the most highly attended show in its history and surpassing the 2019 show by 2,000 registrants!
We volunteered to assist at the D’Iberville event location on Thursday and Friday. We have never seen so many cool cars and had a bunch of fun with our fellow club members, and the drivers of all the outstanding cars we saw as we stamped their registration cards.
The D’Iberville Police Department and the local city government officials were totally engaged to ensure safety and smooth traffic flow. They even had D’Iberville police car #54, a vintage Ford Custom from 1954 onsite with an attending police officer providing some fun interaction with all of us as you can see by the photo of Debbie and me.
They fed the volunteers very well and there was plenty of beverages since we did see 90 degrees; and beautiful weather on both days we attended. Ray and Katherine Harper really know the process and stayed on top of all the activities at our location. Well, after 25 years doing this event there is no question they have it down pat!!!
We look forward to next year, and with luck the pandemic will be a thing of the past and even more car enthusiasts will come down to the Mississippi Gulf Coast and cruise with all of us and enjoy the swap meet, vendors, car auction and more. See you then!! – Craig Henry
October 9 Ray let me know Saturday afternoon that he & Wendy, the Mayor’s Assistant, were going to announce the mayor’s choice for the D’Iberville site. He said the person who was going to win this had to be there or it was going to the next car in the voting.
So I’m going to video the announcement of the winner and ‘the winner is a blue and white 64 Ford convertible, the owners were David and Joyce Ladnier. I just about dropped my iPhone. So after this a photographer took pictures for the next year’s postcard. – David Ladnier
October 10 Every year Cruisin’ the Coast present the Gene Aswalt Award. Each of the host clubs vote for the most valuable member of the club to be nominated for the Volunteer award.
Nominees must have worked 24 hours or more to be eligible. It is such an honor to be nominated by your own club for such an award.
All names turned into Cruisin’ the Coast go into a hat and one name is drawn. That is the only fair way to pick a name for the award. Each club has already decided the best. Congratulations to Katherine Harper for the Magnolia Model T’s and Charlotte Dahlenburg for The Deep South Region.
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October 7 Marcus our youngest son – promised me about 4 months before Cruisin’ the Coast he would have my 1956 Chevy running for us to do the Cruisin’! I said yea ok, I’ve heard that, the last 2 or 3 years, So I told him I had registered my car! So we had to get it going. I told him to let me know what we needed, I’d get it. He started on It, bound and determined to get it done, worked some evenings- (on his days off from the fire department) till 10 or 11 o’clock at night. He said Mom, you’ll drive this car at the Coast. Well, a few days before the Coast, he was having trouble with the radiator- he pulled that one out and put another one in!! He took my car home and had to put another 02 sensor in it – the next day he brought it to the Coast, picked me up that Friday morning and we did all of our stops!! A funny – we were going through Pass Christian Stop- he said Mom look – this is where they do the burnouts- I looked at him and said you better not – he said yes m’am I am- and I was videoing him doing it, grinning from ear to ear – And at the end of it, he did this little laugh. This made my day even better!! He is such a great young man, not just because he’s mine, but how we raised him to be. He said Mom, I’m driving the car tomorrow, if you’ll let me. I said absolutely, you worked hard to get it down here!! Love, time and lots of determination is what he did- to make his mama HAPPY!! – Tammy Lyons
October 4 To kick off Cruisin’ the Coast, a parade is held in Long Beach, Mississippi every year. This year David Ladnier represented the Deep South Region in the parade.
He got in line at around 1 pm and the parade started at 5:30.
September 25 Every year CTC packs registration bags on a Saturday. This year was no different. 9000 bags with anything from flyers to the precious bag of goodies (Swap meet tickets, hat pins and window stickers) were packed.
The group did an awesome job for more than 5 hours and then went to lunch at a restaurant on the beach. What a great day of fun and time together.
Members representing DSR were Charlie Lyons, Tammy Lyons, Linda Nitz, Zeno Chaudron, Rheba Chaudron, Paul Dagenais, David Ladnier, Joyce Ladnier, Walt Fuller, Martha Fuller, Dan Jacobson, Charlie Wychoff, Charlotte Dahlenburg, Susan Bergen and Brian Daly
September 10-12 The Deep South Region of AACA was well represented at the AACA Southeastern Fall Nationals, held near Greenville SC, from Sept 10-12, 2021. It was hosted by the South Carolina Region of AACA. The club participated with four cars judged and all of which won awards. Barrett, Charlotte and Darrin Dahlenburg showed their 1927 Model T, David & Joyce Ladnier showed their 1964 Ford Galaxy convertible, Paul Dagenais showed their 1956 DeSoto Fireflight Convertible, and Debbie and Craig Henry showed their 1934 Packard 1107 V-12 Club Sedan.
The weather was spectacular, and the SC club were the most gracious hosts. Thanks to Mr. and Mrs. James Benson, the show was held at the Greer Technical College on the Benson Campus. Approximately 300 cars participated in the show, and many were extremely rare and certainly all of them brought their own beauty and unique features. The public of all ages visited the show throughout the day.
Unfortunately, due to the COVID epidemic, the corporate office of BMW could not allow the programmed tour to proceed, but Mr. Benson invited the AACA attendees to visit his private museum, the Benson Automotive Memory Lane in Greer. His collection of over 25 fully restored 1950’s convertibles was such a treat!!! The museum was perfectly decorated with a soda bar and a number of neon signs, memorable photos, and Jim’s awards. Jim was present to greet everyone and answer any questions we had about his cars. Jim got started in the car business when he was only 18 by establishing a Chrysler dealership. Today his family is fully engaged with their 7 dealerships in South Carolina.
The most wonderful cars were present for the show, and it appeared that everyone enjoyed the event. The Greer Police Department and Fire Department participated in the show and displayed a huge American Flag atop their ladder truck in honor of 9/11.
The barbeque on Friday night and the awards banquet on Saturday night treated the attendees to excellent South Carolina food. Everybody got the award they were hoping for! Now many are looking forward to the AACA Grand National Show in Virginia Beach in May 2022. – Craig Henry
September “Over in the deep woods of west Pensacola lies a workshop. Nestled within these humble walls rest Fred’s collection. Amongst bits and bites of scaled live steam locomotives and machines tools, has emerged a 3 wheel passion. First is a red JZR. A replica homage to the early cycle cars of the UK. Powered with a Moto-Guzzi twin, driving a single rear wheel. Having started to scratch this odd itch, Fred found he needed more… a “real” 1936 Morgan followed. Painted green. he was drawn to it’s rescue in Iowa. Since a skillfull/handcrafted refurbishment, it has appeared in several shows from Jackson, Ms. to the Atlantic coast…The latest edition, bringing the total to a trio of tri -wheelers, is a red 1952, powered by a real British flathead 4 cylinder powerhouse. This last was the last of 3 wheel production from Morgan until the recent re- introduction of a modern model.
Not exactly a car nor a motorcycle, these rides have deep roots in motor transport history, mainly due early to taxation rules. Fred and wife, Toni, can often be seen running roads of interest in our area…. keep an eye out, and be ready to give a big wave.” – Bob Lembcke
September 4 Editor’s Note: Both Rod Matthews and Dan Jacobsen attended this show. Went to the OWA Car show on Saturday, September 4. The show had 171 cars registered. Wore my club T-shirt and put the DSR placards on the doors. I even rode the roller coaster – Dan Jacobsen
August 26 Every year our club has an Italian Dinner in August. This year was over the top with great food! Chicken Marcella, baked spaghetti, fresh homemade rolls, lasagna, salads and much more were on the buffet.
Many of the ladies served the food for you. With Covid things just are different. Not one person left the buffet with an empty plate.
Our club was also blessed to have Past AACA President, Terry Bond and his wife Susan visiting. Way down here in the deep south, AACA truly believes that we are just as important as any other club in the nation, and they show it by showing up and sitting down to dinner with us.
Many of us got the chance to just hang out and visit before the meeting. I am ready for our annual Thanksgiving Dinner at our clubhouse in just a few months.
August 13-14, 2021 I was going through the AACA Speedster as I normally do, reading articles and looking at the calendar and there it was. The AACA Western Fall Nationals in Loveland Colorado and I said to myself, “Myself, you have a nephew that lives in Loveland”. I immediately called Eric.
He is a car buff, has been an automobile mechanic 30 years. Eric’s always up for anything with cars. He has a group of friends that are either going to, or creating their own, Cruise-Ins. They often take day trips into the Colorado foothills. When I told him about a National Meet right in his hometown of Loveland he said, “Sounds like something to do, we’ll get there”.
He said it was the perfect day for a car show. Eric did note that, being a National Meet, he had expected more cars. “There was quite a mix of vehicles and they were all great. I think my favorite was the Gilmore Gasoline Truck. Now the 1934 Packard Twelve was amazing, it was a 1971 AACA Grand National Winner”.
I’m sure Eric and his wife Shannon, along with their friends, are off on another adventure centered around cars!
The Grand National’s were great. We were successful with the ‘41 Packard and she got her First Place Grand National Award and its First Preservation award board and chip. Our son, daughter-in-law and Grandson came down. Maddox was very supportive of his Gammy. He even got into starting to drive!
The Minnesota Region did a really nice job with the Awards Banquet and Entertainment. New Ulm, MN is a very historic German settlement and they had a wonderful German singing and dancing group Knomese.
A company called “Two Guys on a Ride” did an interview on Packie and will be publishing it on You Tube, Tic Toc and other social media outlets.
We also had a National Award Judge come by and look at our car. Not sure if that will go anywhere, but it was nice that he stopped and chatted with us. – Debbie Henry
July 24, 2021 All I can say is WOW. To start with, I had no idea anybody locally had a collection like this. Now I love a great Restomod or a modified juiced-up muscle car, but there is something about vehicles restored and put back together the way they came from the factory. Original stock. That, of course, is what the majority of his collection is. I brought a friend of mine who is a man of few words and all he could say was WOW.
Lots to see as we wandered around but one of the things I found most interesting were the two first generation Mustangs that the Henderson’s had entered in the 2017 and 2018 Great Races. I followed our entry this year daily. #25, the big red Cadillac convertible. Darrin had great stories at the last meeting, couldn’t hear enough.
Attendance from DSR was great as well as the number of folks that came over from The Mississippi Mustang Club. We spent a few hours at the collection and by Noon were sitting down to lunch at Dick Russell’s BBQ. A good time had by all and another great DSR event!
-Rod Matthews
July 9 On July 9 the Club decided to participate in the National Collector Car Appreciation Day. We met at Colonel Dixie and had dinner together. The service and food were not good but the group of 24 had a great time!
Early July We recently had the opportunity to make two events on the same trip. This does not happen very often.
We typically try to do some sightseeing on trips, but rarely do events occur back-to-back. We were gone for 10 days and had a great time.
The first event we attended was the AACA National event in Auburn, Indiana over the first weekend in July.
We showed our 1957 MGA with the hope of getting a Senior Award. Auburn is always a pleasant venue, but this trip was a little bittersweet, because it may be the last time. The property has been sold and so next year is very uncertain.
We left early Thursday morning and drove all day and arrived in Auburn while it was still daylight.
This allowed us to get set up, and because there was no auction this year, we were able to get hooked up to electricity. We had plenty of room to spread out.
We got up Friday morning and took the car out for breakfast. A friend in our Dixie Region had worked on the car and the car ran great! It was a joy to take it out.
We found a local restaurant on the other side of town and had a great breakfast. We then drove back to the show site. I worked on Friday helping to set up the Administration office for the show.
There was of course some time to look at the other cars. Friday night was spent cleaning the car up for Saturday. And I guess the clean up was pretty good because the car won a Senior Award on Saturday. We were next to some beautifully restored cars, and I really wasn’t sure it would win the award. I was surprised when they called my name at the Awards Dinner. Dinner was Bar-B-Que and was really good!
Since the venue had been sold, we had to be off the property Saturday night. We loaded up the car and went to our next event.
The next event was the Annual Crosley meet at the Fulton County Fairgrounds in Wauseon, Ohio. Wauseon was only a couple of hours east. We took some back roads and enjoyed a very leisurely drive over to the Fairgrounds in Wauseon.
The next morning, we got up and unloaded the car. We went to breakfast at the local diner and then took a drive over to Toledo, Ohio. We found an antique mall where I picked up a couple of goodies.
We enjoyed the drive over, but it was a long hot drive back.
Monday was the celebration of the 4th, so breakfast had to be at McDonald’s.
Monday night was the Early Bird cook out. Hamburgers always taste so much better when cooked outside on a grill!
The next event was making a Crosley clock with the President and his wife (See below).
I think it turned out pretty well, but I might be a little biased.
We took the MGA out to join the caravan to the local ice cream joint. Since most of the cars there were Crosley’s, it got a lot of attention!
You might ask why are we at a Crosley meet? We used to have a 1939 Crosley, but we sold it.
We enjoy the Crosley meets so much that we decided we needed another one. So, we bought a 1950 Crosley.
This car was supposed to be a good driver. Upon further inspection, it was anything but a good driver. So now this is what the car looks like. The brakes are less than desirable, so we bought this chassis which we will use as a donor chassis because it has the better brakes and better axels.
There were almost 100 Crosley cars at the show on Saturday. The Crosley meet is a little different than AACA in that they allow modified cars. There were AACA cars in attendance as well as rat rods. It certainly makes for an interesting show. – Vicki Bolton
July 1-3 Craig and Debbie Henry attended the AACA Central Spring Nationals event in Auburn, Indiana on July 1-3. The show was held at the RM Auction Center in Auburn, Indiana and over 300 cars were shown.
The Henry’s registered their “new” 1934 Packard 1107 V-12 Club Sedan for Junior level judging. Fortunately, the ’34 won its first-place Junior trophy. There were so many spectacular cars attending, including the Buick, Hudson, and Terraplane Clubs.
Over 90 Buicks came to the show. The weather was fabulous, mid-80’s, blue skies and low humidity. AACA worked with the town and held a Cruise-In on Friday night with free hot dogs, burgers, and pizza. Of course, many attended the Auburn-Cord-Duesenberg Museum and the Ford V-8 Museum.
Next stop for the Henry’s is the Grand Nationals in New Ulm Minnesota, July 22-24, with the 1941 Packard Convertible. We’ll also visit our 5-month-old Grandson while in MN and it will be the first time our son, daughter-in-law and Grandson will see the Packard in person.
Then the next trip is the 1934 Packard going to the Southeastern Fall AACA show in Greenville, S.C. in September to hopefully get its Senor award. – Craig Henry
June 26 After a few aborted attempts for the club members to get together to go to Rocky Creek Catfish Cottage, we were finally successful on June 26!
There was about 20 of us that enjoyed the trip to Lucedale through the Mississippi Countryside.
The Catfish Cottage was very welcoming and the food was excellent.
After our lunch, some of us drove into downtown Lucedale and had pictures taken of vehicles in front of the Chamber of Commerce building. It was a very relaxing and pleasant Day -Susan Bergen
June 1 Ray Harper and Al Manning attended a car display Tuesday, June 1, 2021 at the Tillman’s Corner Senior Center on Nevious Road. Five cars were displayed that included one from Ray’s collection and his recently acquired tractor and one from Al Manning’s collection. – Ray Harper
May 29 I attended the Silverhill Car Show Saturday, May 29, 2021. I got there about 8:05 am. I was on the front row of Hwy. 104. Man what a car show!
My youngest son Jeffrey drove over from Daphne and spent some time with me. We had a great time looking at all 212 cars/trucks of all makes and models. The 1947 Ford, the pic l sent you, was one of my favorites . Beautiful but hot day. It felt so good to walk around among all those crazy car people!
Money raised from this event will be used to add more names to the Silverhill Veterans Memorial. Food and drinks on site with a 50/50 Jackpot drawing. $25 entry fee. – Larry Nelson
May15 After a failed day of testing out the Cadillac for the Great Race Darrin and Sam Barnett were ready to do something fun. The two tried hard to get Bubble Bee started but no go so we jumped in the Caddy and went to the IHOP Cruise In. David and Patricia Couling and Ray and Katherine Harper were there.
May 8 David Ladnier got a few of us together to cruise up to Lucedale in Mississippi for an evening car show. The show was from 5-9 pm. It was cool and nice. We met in Theodore and drove out Schillinger Rd. to 98. We arrived right at 5 and all of Main Street was packed full.
It was nice to get out and see the cars, talk with some old and new friends. There were some very cool cars and bikes at the event.
Those that went along or were there are: David & Joyce Ladnier, Darrin & Charlotte Dahlenburg, Barrett Sargent, Paul Dagenais, Ernie Rogers, John Martin, Jeff Herndon and Susan Bergen.
April 24 All the weather forecasts predicted severe storms for Saturday, April 24. Well, they were half right! But, rather than cancel the decision was made to drive modern cars and continue on with the Zoo Cruise. I think our oldest car was a 2016 BMW Z4 roadster driven by Randy and Penny Reploge.
Most of us did experience bad weather the night before and into the early morning, but by 9 am we could see better weather on the way. We even saw some sunshine as we rendezvoused at the clubhouse.
There were 24 total that gathered to make the cruise. DSR club members included the Fuller’s, Ladnier’s, Chaudron’s, Seller’s, Daniel McNamara and family, McNamara’s, Missy and Aiden Allan and Jerry LaBoyd, Couling’s and the Bright’s. We were also joined by Deana Landry and Jim Callais, and Randy and Penny Reploge from Mississippi. Randy and Penny are members of the Antique Automobile and Engine Club of Mississippi.
March 13 Several members of the Deep South Region attended the Pharaoh’s Cruise-in at the I-Hop in Tillman’s Corner. Many people of Mobile have grown up with the cruise in in Tillman’s Corner. Many people in Mobile have grown to love old cars because of it.
February 27 “Memorial Cruise For Joe Townsend was a great success. I know he was smiling down on all those beautiful rides. Thank you to each and everyone of y’all who came out to show support!!”
When you can make a difference in the life of someone else you grab it!
On February 27 we gathered and drove through the cemetery to the funeral home where the memorial for Joe was being held.
February 1 The Chamber’s Annual Awards Gala was held Friday evening and celebrated the Chamber’s 35th Anniversary. This was a big event for the Southwest Mobile County Chamber. Rep. Jerry Carl was the Guest Speaker and we were entertained by Mobile College Students “Voices of Mobile”. Awards were to be given for Diplomat of the Year, Volunteer of the Year, Teacher of the Year, Business Community Impact Award and Citizen of the Year. Tillman’s Corner Community Center was decorated to the nines.
This was quite an event — DSR AACA was represented by Walt & Martha Fuller with their 1929 Model A Roadster. The Roadster was to be a decoration in the dining room, and we were pleased to be invited to show off our car.
Upon arrival we found out there was not an easy entrance to the facility. We were able to get our car in the lobby after the doors were removed, there was only 1½ inches on either side of the car. There were still two more doors to go, Martha was having a nervous breakdown, so as you can see by the pictures we left the car in the lobby. Guests entered around the car, and they were excited to stop, look and ask questions. There were many photos taken with the car.
January 13 The Auto Advisory Committee (AAC) held the annual Appreciation Dinner at Harrah’s in Biloxi on January 13, 2021. Charlotte Dahlenburg, David Ladnier (with Joyce) and Paul Dagenais represented the Deep South Region at this event. Ray and Katherine Harper were at the event representing the Model T Club.
There were 13 clubs involved in Cruisin’ the Coast this past year with each have 2 voting members. These members attend every meeting during the year and have an alternate that attends the meeting in the absence of a voting member. For 2021 there will only be 12 clubs in the AAC with the Model T Club opting out.
Each voting member could bring one guest to this dinner. Most people stayed at their tables during the social hour. The food was excellent, and the social distancing was handled well with the group split between two rooms.