It's a Generational Thing.

1931 Ford Model "A" Roadster

 It was the summer of 1972 when my parents, Bill and Jeanie Dobbs hooked up the trailer and headed up to north Alabama to pick up a Ford Model A. Needless to say when, they arrived my mom was not impressed because it was in a field with a tree growing in the middle of it. Dad, however, could see the true potential of this car! They drug it up on the trailer, tied the doors together and headed home. After countless hours of garage time after work and on the weekends the car’s restoration was finished in 1979. The paint and the upholstery were the only items that my dad did not do!

This 1931 Model A Deluxe Roadster became an AACA national Junior award winner. But Dad, because of his love for Model A’s (he was actually born in 1931) did not build this car to be a trailer queen. He and Mom spent the next almost 30 years touring and enjoying just driving the car. In the late 1970’s they joined the Deep South Region AACA. They especially enjoyed the Mother’s Day show that was held at the club house each year.

Taken down to the frame
Ronnie Goldman restored Dad's Model A
the second time around

As Dad’s health began to decline, they made plans to pass his vehicles on to his 3 daughters. Being the oldest I got first choice and there was no question as to which car I wanted. After Dad passed in 2006 John and I began a complete frame off restoration. While the car was mechanically sound, after 30 years of touring it was time to restore Dad’s dream. Ronnie Goldman of Stonewall, MS, who had traveled many miles on tour with my folks, brought the car back to its former glory. 1n 2019 it once again received an AACA first place junior award.


Although my dad is probably not happy with me, we choose to only drive the car occasionally as our goal is to pass it down to our granddaughter Lexi. Dad actually carried Lexi’s parents from their wedding reception in the rumble seat. I suspect when the time comes it will carry Lexi and her spouse also! She will quickly tell you that it is her car. She just turned 16 so learning to drive a stick shift is now high on her agenda.

1929 Ford Model "A" Phaeton
Out for a Memorial Day Drive

Because we too love to drive these beautiful old cars, we also have a 2nd Model A. It is a 1929 Phaeton, but that is a story for another day. John is also finishing up the restoration of a 1927 Model T touring car (Tallulah B) and just recently purchased a 1931 Model A depot wagon (Woodreaux). This way we can enjoy this wonderful hobby and all the friends we’ve made while still preserving my Dad’s baby!